The Acadians of Summerside
by Georges Arsenault
Non-fiction, 222 Pages with 100+ b/w photos, soft cover

Ce livre est en français et en anglais

For over 150 years, the Acadians have been part of the fabric of Summerside, Prince Edward Island. Today they constitute about a third of the population of the city. Acadians helped build and populate the city, they have given it life and colour, and they have celebrated it. Their culture and their language have made it richer. It is hoped that this book will not only shine a spotlight on these contributions but also strengthen the pride of the Acadians of Summeride — be they French-speaking, or English-speaking.

With this book Georges Arsenault, author of numerous articles and books on the Acadians, gives us the first study of an urban Acadian community in Prince Edward Island. Thanks to his meticulous research and over 100 unique photos, he helps us discover the evolution and the growth of the Acadian minority in Summerside.

ISBN 978-2-349-72289-8
Published by La Grand Maree, NB
Price:$24.95 CLICK HERE to purchase