Connolly bursary recipients honored at UPEI launch

Author Leonard Cusack and researcher Lori Mayne signing copies of the new book

Seven prominent recipients of the Connolly bursary are featured in a color section of the new book Owen Connolly: The Making of a Legacy, and four of them who were able to attend, were presented with a souvenir copy as part of the book’s launch atĀ UPEI on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 18. Each of the recipients mentioned how important the Connolly bursary was to their education, and ultimately, their career sucess.

Premier Wade MacLauchlan wrote the Foreword for the new book.

AuthorĀ Leonard Cusack with Brian McKenna, chair of the Connolly Estate trustees











Regis Duffy, left, was presented with a souvenir copy of the book by trustee Brendon McGinn

Albert Fogarty, left, received a souvenir copy from trustee Brendon McGinn

Joe McGuire, left, received a souvenir copy from trustee Brendon McGinn

Randi Doyle was one of the first female recipients of the Connolly bursary, and spoke at the UPEI launch