The Story of Hockey in O’Leary, Prince Edward Island
by Wayne Wright
Non-Fiction, 228 Pages with hundreds of b/w archival photos, softcover

Layout 1Hockeytown PEI first stepped onto the ice in the fall of 2014 to the cheers of hockey fans across PEI. This lavishly illustrated book looks at Canada’s national obsession and how it defines and enhances life in the fiercely proud, spud-growing community of O’Leary, PEI. Written by award-winning author Wayne Wright, Hockeytown PEI covers a century of change down at the old country rink.

It takes you back to a time when “farm team” meant a bunch of country kids batting around a “road apple”with their Red Dot wooden hockey sticks on an icy potato-patch — to the present day when teenage superstars bring their own massage therapists and contract lawyers, and their hockey sticks are made from 100% genuine spaceage plastic. Yes, we said plastic …

A tale lit by kerosene lamp and woven from a hat trick of personal memories, scintillating statistics and bench-clearing humour, Hockeytown PEI is the perfect book for anyone who loves the Island, and who prefers their hockey served with a side order of rink fries. Whether you grew up on a family farm wishing for the little field by the wood lot to freeze over, or knew someone who did, you’ll cherish this season’s MVP award-winner among books … Hockeytown PEI!

ISBN: 978-0-9737556-7-1
Published by the O’Leary Hockey Historical Committee
Price: $28.57 CLICK HERE to purchase